莎剧同人的最高境界,笑着笑着就要哭出来了〒_〒 两个无意间被卷入命运洪流的小人物,死亡终点早已设定,所有质疑和挣扎皆是徒劳,存在无意义。喜欢剧团头目和反串的小哥!Joshua的台词功力碾压丹尼尔……
本会真的给古代绑定JY收集系统画上一个圆满的句号 可是踏进电影院的十分钟后 前几日的许多传言一一坐实 本来我不介意什么剧版抄袭 因为它只是我的青春而已 可是现在 .... 我有点失望了 ....
Hamlet里的小人物 大量关于死亡和命运的讨论 // We must be born with an intuition of mortality. Before we know the words for it, before we know that there are words, out we come, bloodied and squalling with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only one direction, and time is its only measure. // Uncertainty is the normal state...Everything has to be taken on trust; truth is only that which is taken to be true. It's the currency of living. There may be nothing behind it, but it doesn't make any difference so long as it is honored. // Death is the absence of presence, nothing more // since we don't know what death is, it is illogical to fear it